In this age anyone can easily get to a caster and use black magic to harm you. So you should know how to protect yourself from black magic.

1. Fortify your Spiritual Shield – Accept it or not, you must regular safeguard yourself against unwanted black magic. A decade or so ago black magic practitioners were isolated in small communities of Haiti, Africa, and Louisiana. Today black magic is at an epidemic level. Anyone that is envious of your success can hire a black magic practitioner on the internet.

2. Use Sea Salt – Through the years motion pictures have portrayed individuals making a loop of salt around themselves for protection from black magic. While this is unquestionably powerful, it is simply not functional unless you plan to spend all day sitting in the salt circle. The great news is that salt doesn’t need to be in a circular ring to give you the black magic protection you need. You can sprinkle it around the whole border of your home and it will have the same impact. Whenever you are home, you’ll know you’re protected…and the knowing makes all the difference in the world. At work put a tiny bowl of salt with a crystal in it on you desk. The crystal will amplify the salt’s protective radius. You can even carry a tiny pill box of salt in your pocket or purse to protect you from black magic.

4. Invoke the power of an Amulet – An amulet is an ornament or object the defensively repels negative energy and black magic. Amulets can be small enough to wear as jewelry or carry in your pocket. Amulets can also be part of your home or office decor. While you have an amulet in your ownership, it repulses black magic and pernicious creatures. Some conceivable amulets to think about incorporating are religious decorations, religious images, precious stones or herb pockets. There is an excess of distinctive sorts of amulets to choice from. Just remember, the paramount thing is that you trust in the amulets energy to repel black magic.

5. Laugh at it – Black magic is no joke, however in some cases you need to treat it like a joke. Go ahead, laugh at black magic. Laughing invokes a powerful energy that is opposite of black magic. When the energy of laughter crashed into black magic, it kills the black magic energy. Remember you are the author of you life so laugh in the face of black magic.